
Are you looking after someone?

The person you care for may need your help due to long term illness or disability, the consequences of ageing, behavioural difficulties, mental health issues or substance misuse. Many People who have a caring role struggle on not knowing where to find help.

If you are, then please let us know – we are here to help. 

The support provided by carers has a positive impact on the NHS, such as the availability of the expect knowledge carers hold about the person they are caring for. 

Many carers report, however, that the invaluable role they play in supporting the cared for person isn’t always recognised and its not unusual for a caring role to have an impact on both physical and mental health of a carer.  

Knowsley Carers Centre offers the following services to support carers:

Information and Advice Carers Identity Card
Benefits Advice Carers Emergency Card
Holistic Therapies Social Groups and Activities 
Informal Advocacy Breaks 

If you would like to access the above services please complete the form below. 

We would like to support you.

If you are agreeable, we will pass your details to the Knowsley Carers Centre, which is a local organisation providing relevant information, advice, and support to enhance the lives unpaid carers throughout Knowsley.

The Knowsley Carers Centre can also assist carers with most matters that causes you concern in your caring role. The support workers can assist with access to a range of services including carers assessments, direct payments, grants, carers breaks and home visits.

Alternatively you can visit Knowsley Carers Centre