The practice offers spoken language interpreter and written translation services under D.A Languages: About Us | DA Languages to any patient who requires one during their contact with Reception or for their telephone / face to face appointment. There are language lists on Reception for patients to point at to determine the language required.
If you require an interpreter, please advise Reception who can arrange this for your booked appointment.
BSL Services

Sign Language Interpreters and Video Translations – Signalise Co-op
Signalise Co-op provides all D/deaf and deafblind language services for all Knowsley GP practices.
Signalise Co-op is co-owned and co-run by members of the local Deaf community and BSL/English interpreters. Any profit made is reinvested into the co-op and its community.
Services provided are all 24/7/365 and are accessed online, by phone or email – details for each service are below.
Face to face sign language, lip speaker interpreters and other communication professionals
Face to face is the preferred means of communication for D/deaf & deafblind patients.
Create a new face to face interpreter booking on-line here.
Or ring: 0151 808 0373
If you are making a booking after 6.30pm for the following day, please ring.
You can book by email: providing the following details:
- Name of the service user
- Communication need: BSL interpreter / Deafblind interpreter / Lipspeaker / Lipspeaker with additional sign
- Appointment details: start time / end time / location / clinician’s name (if applicable)
- Does the service user have a preferred interpreter?
- Does the service user have a preference for the sex of the interpreter?
- Does the service user have any additional needs? e.g. additional disability
- Any further information?
Video interpretation – immediate/on-demand or pre-booked
Useful for arranging appointments or in emergencies. The patient can be onsite or can be connected remotely.
Connect to an interpreter online right away or create a video service booking here.
Translate Written Information to Sign Language
It is important patients are given information they can access independently.
Order a signed video of patient information or letters by emailing an anonymised version of the information to or call 0151 808 0373 to discuss.
Note takers
When a patient is signing or lipreading they won’t be able to take their own notes of a consultation or a meeting. A note taker will do this for them. Useful for when the patient reads English and would like a record of the information shared to refer back to. To arrange please email
Speech to text reporters
Speech to text reporters convert spoken word to written text that a D/deaf person can read on screen straight away. Useful for events or longer meetings where the person is comfortable reading English. To arrange please email